Index Parent

Popasl class

The Popasl class is used to create an object made of a string object and a button.

A Popasl object has no attribute to specify a key to open its requester. It may be specified via InputEvent attribute of


Name Type Class Note
AcceptPattern S I Valid only if Type is File
Active B GN  
DoPattern B I Valid only if Type is File
DoSaveMode B I Valid only if Type is File
DrawersOnly B I Valid only if Type is File
FilterDrawers B I Valid only if Type is File
FilterMacro S I At Init time you can define a filter-macro in this attribute: anytime the file requester should show an entry, that macro is called with 3 arguments:
  1. the name of the entry
  2. the name of the drawer
  3. a pointer to a FileInfoBlock structure relative to the entry

If the the macro fails or returns 1, the entry is showed, otherwise the entry is not showed. The macro must be an ARexx-in-line-string-macro designed to be fast.

Valid only if Type is File .

FixedWidthOnly B I Valid only if Type is File
FontMaxHeight B I Valid only if Type is File
FontMinHeight B I Valid only if Type is File
InitialPattern S I Valid only if Type is File
NegativeText S I  
NotifyOnlyChanges S I Normally, the String object would notify NewContenyts anytime its Contents changes. This may be changed via AlwaysNotifyNC, but when a String object is used as String in a Popasl, it notifies its NewContents anytime it changes by default (AlwaysNotifyNC=1). Setting this attribute to 0 sets AlwaysNotifyNC of the String object to 1. Setting this attribute to 1 sets AlwaysNotifyNC of the String object to 0.
PositiveText S I  
RejectIcons B I Valid only if Type is File
RejectPattern S I Valid only if Type is File
String S I A String class object.
Title S I  
Type S I One of:
  • File
  • Font



Name Parameters Note
none defined